Manually extracting Code Signature from Mach-O

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I forgot about this note, and its saved me in the past. The code signature from a mach-o file can easily be extracted with tools like dd or jtool2 as the code signature is always at the end of the file in the LC_CODE_SIGNATURE section.

For example, here is how to do it with dd

% file ./TwoDots
./TwoDots: Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64

% jtool2 -l TwoDots | grep SIG
LC 42: LC_CODE_SIGNATURE     	Offset:     50448, Size:  21040 (0xc510-0x11740)

% dd if=./TwoDots of=twodots.sig bs=50448 skip=1
0+1 records in
0+1 records out
21040 bytes transferred in 0.000148 secs (142162162 bytes/sec)

% file twodots.sig
twodots.sig: Mac OS X Detached Code Signature (non-executable) - 7427 bytes

Seeing as I just used jtool2 to get the offset, why not just use jtool2 to do the extraction of the code signature, like so.

% jtool2 --stripsig TwoDots
Destructive option - saved to /tmp/out.bin

% cp /tmp/out.bin .

% file out.bin
out.bin: Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64

% jtool2 --sig TwoDots
An embedded signature with 6 blobs:
Code Directory (790 bytes)
		Version:     20500
		Flags:       none
		CodeLimit:   0xc510
		Identifier:  com.weplaydots.twodots (@0x60)
		Team ID:     NB26C5EZ8F (@0x77)
		Executable Segment: Base 0x00000000 Limit: 0x00000000 Flags: 0x00000000