Adding phrack to Denote

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Denote is my new note taking system and I really wanted to add the phrack articles to denote so I can search and index them. At time of writing there are 70 articles, and you can download the archives for each one here. But I wanted to automate the whole process, and do it with Emacs lisp.

Downloading and extracting the articles

This could be done with wget brace expansion and tar like so:

  wget{1..70}.tar.gz && for i in *.tar.gz; do tar -xxzvf $i -C $i ;done

However, seeing as my end goal is to put this all within denote, I used the following lisp snippet to download and extract each articles.

  (defun download-file (url destination)
    "Download a file from URL and save it to DESTINATION."
    (url-copy-file url destination t))

  (defun create-directory-if-not-exists (directory)
    "Create DIRECTORY if it doesn't exist."
    (unless (file-exists-p directory)
      (make-directory directory)))

  (defun untar-file (file destination)
    "Untar FILE into DESTINATION."
    (shell-command (format "tar -xzvf %s -C %s" file destination)))

  (dotimes (i 70)
    (let* ((url (format "" (1+ i)))
	   (filename (format "phrack%d.tar.gz" (1+ i)))
	   (directory (format "phrack%d" (1+ i)))
	   (filepath (concat directory "/" filename)))
      (create-directory-if-not-exists directory)
      (download-file url filepath)
      (untar-file filepath directory)))

With them downloaded, I have a bit of a problem when it comes to indexing them. In that the filenames and folders do not use two digits for the version number, so I get things like this


Fixing up the files and directories

To fix the problem I just need to add a 0 in front of files and directories that start with 0-9, I can do this with a simple regex of ^[0-9]+. But I need to do this for both the files and the directories. That should be simple enough, lets tackle the directory names first.

(defun rename-directories ()
  "Rename directories from phrack1 to phrack01, phrack2 to phrack02, etc."
  (dotimes (i 9)
    (let* ((old-directory (format "phrack%d" (1+ i)))
	   (new-directory (format "phrack%02d" (1+ i))))
      (when (file-exists-p old-directory)
	(rename-file old-directory new-directory)))))


Great, now to fix the files inside each directory the same way.

  (defun fixup-files-in-directories ()
    "Rename the files from 1.txt to 01.txt, etc in each dir."
    (dotimes (i 70)
      (let* ((directory (format "phrack%02d" (1+ i)))
	     (files (directory-files directory nil "^[0-9]+\\.txt$")))
	(dolist (file files)
	  (let* ((old-file-path (concat directory "/" file))
		 (base-name (file-name-base file))
		 (new-file-path (concat directory "/" (format "%02d.txt" (string-to-number base-name)))))

	    (rename-file old-file-path new-file-path))))))


Nice! Now all that's left is to add each file to denote.

Adding to Denote

I typically use org-mode files in denote, but denote does support .txt files, so all I need to do is add each file, with the appropriate tags. I want the tag to be phrack$issue_number.

  (setq denote-rename-no-confirm t)

  (defun automate-denote-rename-directory (directory)
    "Automate Denote file rename and tag addition for all files in DIRECTORY."
    (let* ((files (directory-files directory nil "^[0-9]+\\.txt$"))
	   (tag (file-name-nondirectory directory)))
      (dolist (file files)
	(let ((file-path (concat directory "/" file))
	      (title (file-name-base file)))
	  (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file-path)
	    (denote-rename-file file title (list tag) nil)

  (defun rename-and-add-tags-to-all-files-in-denote ()
    "Rename files and add tags in Denote for all specified directories."
    (dotimes (i 70)
      (let ((directory (format "phrack%02d" (1+ i))))
	(when (file-exists-p directory)
	  (automate-denote-rename-directory directory)))))


And there we have it, I now have all of phrack in denote. Importantly, the (setq denote-rename-no-confirm t) line allows this to not prompt me for any inputs.


I use consult-notes for searching my notes, however, the consult-notes command only searches by filename and tags. I want the ability to use a prefix before my consult-notes command to then run consult-notes-search-in-all-notes. Ideally I want to use the C-u prefix, however if you bind something with the C-u prefix, your met with a pretty nasty error. For example:

(global-set-key (kbd "C-u C-c n") 'consult-notes-search-in-all-notes)
global-set-key: Key sequence C-u c starts with non-prefix key C-u

I was able to get around this, but making my own function, and binding C-c n to that. This is what the function looks like:

  (defun jt/consult-notes-search-in-all-notes ()
    (if current-prefix-arg

Now If I were to press C-c n it would run consult-notes but if I were to prefix that with C-u It would run consult-notes-search-in-all-notes.


Here's all the code to add phrack to denote, I've refactored it a bit.

  (defun download-file (url destination)
    "Download a file from URL and save it to DESTINATION."
    (url-copy-file url destination t))

  (defun create-directory-if-not-exists (directory)
    "Create DIRECTORY if it doesn't exist."
    (unless (file-exists-p directory)
      (make-directory directory)))

  (defun untar-file (file destination)
    "Untar FILE into DESTINATION."
    (shell-command (format "tar -xzvf %s -C %s" file destination)))

  (defun fixup-files-in-directory (directory)
    "Rename the files from 1.txt to 01.txt, etc in DIRECTORY."
    (let ((files (directory-files directory nil "^[0-9]+\\.txt$")))
      (dolist (file files)
	(let* ((old-file-path (concat directory "/" file))
	       (base-name (file-name-base file))
	       (new-file-path (concat directory "/" (format "%02d.txt" (string-to-number base-name)))))
	  (rename-file old-file-path new-file-path)))))

  (defun automate-denote-rename-directory (directory)
    "Automate Denote file rename and tag addition for all files in DIRECTORY."
    (let* ((files (directory-files directory nil "^[0-9]+\\.txt$"))
	   (tag (file-name-nondirectory directory)))
      (dolist (file files)
	(let ((file-path (concat directory "/" file))
	      (title (file-name-base file)))
	  (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file-path)
	    (denote-rename-file file title (list tag) nil)

  (defun add-phrack-to-denote ()
    "Download, untar, rename directories and files, and in to Denote."
    (setq denote-rename-no-confirm t)

    (dotimes (i 70)
      (let* ((index (1+ i))
	     (url (format "" index))
	     (filename (format "phrack%d.tar.gz" index))
	     (directory (format "phrack%02d" index))
	     (filepath (concat directory "/" filename)))

	(create-directory-if-not-exists directory)
	(download-file url filepath)
	(untar-file filepath directory)
	(rename-file directory (format "phrack%02d" index))
	(fixup-files-in-directory directory)
	(automate-denote-rename-directory directory))))
